12 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Unveils New Skim Collection (10 Photos)

  1. Puzzler

    The problem here is that Tom Jones would suck all the cock she’s ever turned down. How racist can he really be?

    1. Piece Pipe

      Oh, he’s supremely racist! He sucks black cock every day because he feels white cock is To Good For Him.

    1. scar

      agreed times 100-human garbage. i think kim or crapper is pushing it….almost every day she’s been here; hell, on tv, they advertised her show on SYFY; wasn’t planning on seeing her every day during this virus crap.

    2. Macho Man Randy Savage

      And yet if she was laid in front of you with her legs akimbo, you’re pants would be at your ankles in seconds.

  2. Goerring

    Michael Jackson failed at trying to change his race to white. How’s her attempt at changing her race to black going?

  3. peter dobson

    She is by far the most stupid thing on this planet. This fucked-up whore is so commercial that in this day and time making money is more important to her than showing compassion with the dead people with her fake donation of a million dollar. Pffff can somebody please put a harpoon in this whale for the sake of humanity????

    1. Spankmaster

      I’ll happily supply you with several harpoons, just as long as I’m allowed to hold the crucifix and holy water. Hey, it’s better to be safe than sorry…

      1. peter dobson

        Yeah I take the harpoons and you better spray me with holy water otherwise I’ll burst into flames too with this thing.


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