17 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Braless (47 Photos)

  1. Good Burger

    Does her weight fluctuate as a symptom of her Lupus? Yes.

    Is she one of the sexiest women in the world? Yes, she is.

    1. adult

      “Is she one of the sexiest women in the world?” No, she isn’t. I doubt she was even one of the sexiest women on that sidewalk at the time. Take you thuumb and finger off of your little pee-pee, leave mommy’s house, go out into the real world, and get a life.

      1. G.B.

        You failed to mention who you believe IS one of the sexiest women in the world.

        Ipso facto, you are an asexual faggot.

      2. Wha DaFAQ

        Adult is simply projecting a lack of confidence due to a small penis and a MASSIVE Oedipus complex!

        As for Selena. She’s happy and as healthy as can be given her condition! More power to her!

    2. Sheldon

      Her gut is showing through her mumu dress, that’s pretty fat. Just so long as she doesn’t go obese. Overweight ok, obese equals early grave

  2. yourmomisworth5cents

    Does lupus make you forget to iron your clothes… My underwear u see the bed crusty with my man spackle looks nicer.

  3. DS

    Sheā€™s looking old and FAT! But her tits perfect as always.
    Anyway, she’s still one of the sexiest celebrities in the world.


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