Selena Gomez paddle boards with her friends while at the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita for a friend’s Bachelorette Party, 06/30/2019.
Selena Gomez paddle boards with her friends while at the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita for a friend’s Bachelorette Party, 06/30/2019.
This would be cool if I weren’t a total fucking faggot.
My breath smells like a combination of hobo cock and my own ass.
Do the math.
“crapper is here!”
what the fuck is this? are you brain damaged armenian too?
she is awesome dont laught of size she have problem health
Too fat for me…PASS
Mexican mamacita is too fat, too alcoholic, and too drug addicted.
I would still pound her.
Friend in the black is hot, but Selena looks like Ms Piggy.
Meanwhile, the girl in the black mesh ain’t half bad.
Only one skinny person, everyone else both male and female are fat. What is this society coming to? Bunch of lazy fat fucks who can’t be body shamed and we’re supposed to accept them for who they are. As for Selena, she’s 36 so right at the age where women start hitting the wall and the looks begin to rapidly fade. Being Hispanic, I’m surprised she didn’t start getting bigger before now. Probably because she hasn’t had a kid, once that happens. She’ll be your typical obese Hispanic woman that’s just as wide as she is tall.
She’s 26.
Weight gain is a by product of a successful kidney transplant and can be considered a positive to a degree.
She’s still cute. Too many 16 year old dumbass virgins posting on this site.
You still got a “crush” on her from her Waverly Place days Chester. She really isn’t THAT cute anymore. C’mon.
dont matter id still fuck and make her pay for tacos
Yuck! Beiber dodged a bullet on that one.
Fat little hog she is.
Selena Gomez will always be in my top three list of celebrities I would love to fuck.
Huh, Bieber tops my list. Go figure.
Immature little fucks in the comments, you all would pay to fuck her and you know it.
Get some help Cody. No one would pay to fuck her.
Sigh. Never EVER thought that seeing Selena would turn me off. But her weight gain has turned me off. Shes literally chunky and fat now. Such a shame and its not going to get much better either. Oh well.
Wow, she is THICCCCCC!
Soon as she hits 35 or pops out a kid (prob a kid, she’s hispanic after all) she’s going to be a whale.
Mila Kunis is Ukrainian !!
Red beans and rice didn’t miss her….Baby’s got back.
I’m guessing she takes 3 shits a day. Probably has the itchy butthole from too much McDonald’s
Looks like someone got herself a gunt.
jesus, i cant stop jerking off on that big fat ass
disgusting……chunky…..not fit. When you are as rich as her, succesful kidney transplant or not… is something you have plenty of time for.
Chubby Gomez!
I think she looks better with a little something to grab. Still very pretty. Count me in!
Rubbish! Not enough close up photos of her ass!