“Geordie Shore” filming in Newcastle as the gang was out partying at House Of Smith Nightclub, 01/06/2019. With four new faces joining the reality show, the old guard show the new girls how its done with Chloe Ferry unceremoniously putting on sexy leg display in the car.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chloegshore1/
Classy young lady
Waste of time.
Pity the copyrite owner didn’t change this
“Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication”
“Please Pixelate Face Forever”
That is one ugly cunt.
And this is what happens when a pale little Brit attempts to look like a dark and curvy Armanian.
That’s what full-blown dementia looks like folks.
I believe the name of the show should be Geordie Whore.
Dirty slag but we’d all smash if we could, let’s not lie now lol
I’m starting to notice that some of these girls look a like now.
Probably has a cock
When society completely breaks down, people like her will be the first to die.
Filthy is all i can think of