Emma Stone Nude (27 Pics + GIF & Videos)

Check out the new Emma Stone’s nude pictures (screencaps), gif, and video from the movie ā€œThe Favouriteā€ (2018). Good start!





Video 1

Video 2


Password: thefappeningblog.com

79 thoughts on “Emma Stone Nude (27 Pics + GIF & Videos)


    Well that sure was boring. Six of the same goddamn picture of her laying down so we can’t even see or tell what they really look like.

    1. Phil Spectrum

      Why was it even necessary to have her tit hang out in this scene? Couldā€™ve been covered up and served the same purpose. Also cool, she has a nipple. Who woulda thought lol

  2. Klantibrant

    That’s all there is.

    Now you don’t have to sit through feminist propaganda full of male bashing for two hours. Save your money.

      1. Deathandtaxes

        Ha. You used incel. Fuck i think all of us would rather be an incel then a beta soy boy. Go fuck off back to tumblr. Oh wait no porn there.

    1. Handy

      “Thatā€™s all there is.

      Now you donā€™t have to sit through feminist propaganda full of male bashing for two hours. Save your money.”

      Thank you sir, much appreciated.

    2. JJ

      Thanks, Klantbrant. These fucktards weren’t around for the days when millions of people would buy a ticket to a shit movie just to see Britney Spears in her underwear for 2 seconds.

  3. Sam

    Telling the truth . It is a VERy true tradition in marriage ceremonies . If people knows anything about the bride’s past or the groom’s past, they have to tell that secret before bride and groom marry or they must keep that secret inside their hearts. I did it a few days ago when Amber Heard put on a bride’s dress . I talked about her scarlet letters in Farsi and Latin . I don’t know why she got chilled and went to New York to burn Empire State Building down into ash. Who knows the reason ? Please.

      1. Spankmaster

        What the fuck are you on about? Sounds to me like someone accidently amped your LSD medication with a tasty mix of ketamine and rat poison. I’ll be around later to administer the flaming rectal zygmoidascope to alleviate your issues.

        Spankmaster has spoken…

        1. Spankmaster

          Grrr…stand back….micropenis activate……oops premature ejaculation.

          Overcompensating and underwhelming as usual.

          1. Spankmaster

            And you never got past eating your own shit, you fraudulent fuckwit. Disappear up your arse while there is still time, which will undoubtedly prove how truly underwhelming you are.

            Yet again, Spankmaster, in written form, has spokenā€¦

  4. wawaawaw

    After a slow dying career she decided it was time to whip them out to relight the flame of relevancy I see. I agree with that sentiment.

        1. deathbyskullf***

          Sooooo, that best actress in La La Land was really a make up award? Interesting perspective. Shes never worked for the makeup department in studio films… So not really even possible. Lol

    1. StupidPostsThatNoOneCares

      Whoa, you must very absurdly stupid! She just won an Oscar last year, how come hers carrer is dying? LOL

  5. ben

    i don’t know about some anons here, but I can fap to this… while i wished she did this a few years ago, I’m still glad that at least she whipped them out while she’s in early 30s. I cant wait for the HQ pics/gif/video

  6. Dizz

    Always wanted to see her body, but i seriously hope this isn’t the only look of it. I also think she’s laying on her side to actually make her boobs look bigger, get a handheld mirror and lay on your side and look at your chest…. even guys look like they have breasts laying like that. I think she wanted that pose cause it’s obvious she’s pretty flat, but i still woulda prefered a natural sitting or standing post to show her body off normally. She’s still stunningly beautiful to me.

  7. age

    Few years ago she said she will never do nude on screen because of her father. But now….I wonder what made her change her mind. Money? Her father’s approval?

  8. aggea

    Few years ago she said she will never do nude on screen because of her father. I wonder what makes her changed her mind. Money? Her father’s permission?

    1. Yoda19

      Not money for sure The Favourite is a $15million low budget film, this is chasing another Oscar by doing something different and edgier its worked in the past.

  9. Prick James

    Wow, they’re larger than I thought they would be! Puffy nips? Well done Emma! It was such a shame the Scarlett Jo lost some weight before she went nude and knocked those DDs to a large C. Looks like Emma put on a few to get them bigger.

  10. Stroker ace

    There is another scene from this movie where Emma is nude and someone is splashing her with a bucket of water. The pics that were leaked didn’t show tits but people speculated that in the actual movie you see her tits. Hopefully more nude pics will be coming soon.

  11. Bengt Alsterlind

    There is NO MORE nudity from Emma besides this. The rest is implied tease fakery. The nudity we got was probably the contractual minimum she had to do to get the part. The character had more nudity but she negotiated that away. You can do that when you have star power. This above is all there is. Let’s hope she does more in other films.

  12. dodgydave

    Average to below average looking and i’d imagine she’s only showed off one tit while lay on her side because she suffers from Spaniel-ears-itis.

  13. LaserpƄven

    Nah, she’s mighty perky. She’s just a prude chickenshit. But at least it’s a start. The movie itself is garbage by the way.

  14. Spankmaster

    Hot woman this one, even with her performance in La La Land being obviously rigged given that her performance and the whole film was so much fucking shit. Great to see her tit, especially with it being attached to such a hot body, with such nice legs and a fantastic ass. So stand back please, we have lift off…


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