Maitland Ward – New Interracial Sex Tape (32 Pics + Video)

Watch this new private Maitland Ward’s sex video with her black friend Isiah and Sovereign as a second videographer (November 2018).






76 thoughts on “Maitland Ward – New Interracial Sex Tape (32 Pics + Video)

  1. MarcBGood

    Though I don’t mind she fucks around with roughly everyone, I prefer her lesbian and bondage stuff way more. This is more or less same old, same old nowโ€ฆ.

  2. Spankmaster

    That’s what I’m talking about – BBC!!!! I’d trade places with that ho any day. That’s some fine man meat right there. I am ready to receive….grrrr…..stand back….we have lift off…..micropenis activate!!!!

    1. Spankmaster

      This fraudulent fuckwit needs to go back fucking his goat. The only problem is that his goat chose to commit suicide in going to the local butcher to get slaughtered rather than put up with such a limp dick arsehole who enjoys necking turds. Some people, like this one, really need to make love to a loaded sawn off shotgun by sticking up their arse and pulling the trigger. Then you’ll really overcome your micro-penis fixation. It will also kill you, but hey, I’m not complaining…

      1. Ivan the ass impaler, hairy balls and all your other imaginary new "friends"

        ….but yet you felt the need to post more drivel…..attention whoring is a sickness….get help.

  3. ClintWestwood

    We finally get to see her take a dick.. but it’s a turd dick. :'( turd dicks are not attractive. I guess I could just picture it as her getting fucked with a really big snickers bar, but I can’t get passed the image of someone shoving a turd in her vagina.

          1. ClintWestwood

            Not a terrible idea. really though, all jokes aside this is a pretty nice black dick. Lucky dude. I’m a bit jelly.

          2. Gadget

            If your turds arenโ€™t brown (like, say, black dicks), youโ€™re the one who needs to see a doctor.

            If youโ€™re black and your dick isnโ€™t brown (like, say, a turd), perhaps even more reason to see a doctor, all depending on the color of course (if itโ€™s pink, you might have vitiligo. If itโ€™s greenish, itโ€™s probably moldy.)

  4. Gross

    Gross!!! She is gone for good now. Crossed the line and canโ€™t come back. To each his own. But IR is NOT to my liking. To bad, I thought she was hot.

  5. Dave

    I’m just here for the comments from triggered racist getting all salty at the thought of a black dick in a white chick.

    1. Sisko

      The only issue i have is that it looks like shes pooing….

      The stds and stank are her problem. Hopefully he doesnt chimp out and kill her. But if he does, i suppose its no big loss…

  6. klawicki

    I still don’t get this. Why wouldn’t she just do porn? For at least a few years, she would make far more than with this. And she could still do this too. And probably get far more paid supporters too. What line does she think she still hasn’t crossed?

    You are well over the line, sweetie. Might as well maximize your income now.

  7. Spankmaster

    I hope he treats her as his personal cum-bucket and gives her a good cream-pie-ing. Then she’ll produce a mixed race child that will become a part of the welfare system, which is just what we need. And as this has turned me on so much, then stand back please, we have lift off…

  8. Manic

    I’m just curious where the racism comes from for many of you ignorant twats. Were you raised by dumbfuck racists and that is the cause? Are you sad, lonely and just wanted desperately to feel like a part of something, to have purpose, so you jumped on the racist bandwagon? Maybe you’re ugly as fuck and can’t handle the thought of black men getting pussy and not you? In any case, the 100% fact is that judging anyone by their race or religion rather than their character makes you a stupid fuck. Sadly, stupid fucks are too fucking stupid to realize that, they’ll just double down on their dumbfuckery instead.

  9. Enough Already

    I’ll be deleting all pictures I have of her. Can’t stand this cross race rubbish. Too bad, I thought she was good looking, now she just looks like a race traitor.

    He’s an enemy combatant, sleeping with white woman, but I am more concerned with the traitors (the women).

    Hand her a blindfold and stand her with a comfy wall to her back… Ready… Aim… … …

    1. LOL

      I’m sure she gives a fuck that you’re deleting her pics (instead of jerking off to them like we all know you really are). White woman are leaving micropeen losers like you left and right for a reason. So make sure you stay in mommy’s basement talking shit on the internet instead of going out and being social, you know, like the white guys who ACTUALLY get laid.

  10. Enough Already

    I wonder what her husband, Terry Baxter is thinking. I’d kick the carbon pipe threading who-ehr to the curb if I was him.

    No self respecting white man would ever touch her with a ten foot barge-pole again.

    To anyone calling me and those agreeing with me racists (add pejorative here), we don’t care. We don’t respect cucks, be it her husband (if he agrees with this) or white people in general willing to cuck out members of their race to another race.

  11. counterpoint

    Ol’ boy should have covered his face. Black women are going to put him up on their target list like Donald Glover and Michael B Jorden for seeking out white women instead of finding a sister.

    In a totally non-racist way of course…

  12. Brian Spenser

    This is the first time her Hubby let another guy fuck her. Porn history say they have 8 months left before they split. She’ll tell him it was only for the camera but then she will stop holding back her O face, then she’ll start “getting coffee” with her co-stars and start partying and staying out later while hubby is at home editing the pornos. Next thing you know there will be a few secret giggles around the backstage buffet, maybe some lite horseplay between takes. Then near the end she’ll end up staying at her girlfriend’s house for long periods of time, stop returning texts, quit picking up the phone.

  13. apes on pigz

    Sooo classy lol

    she used to look decent in some pics of the past.
    Looks like old white trash with typical faded decade old tramp stamp lol
    Plus with a condom? how rayciss
    she can only redeem herself by no condom all black gangbang with dp.
    She looked better in a bikini than naked. permanently ruined now hahahahahaha

  14. SJM

    Back in the old days people (because if their talent) promoted from being a porn star to an actual actors and actresses (and they did well). Nowadays :D … well apparently the process is reversed. I don’t mind, but I hope she had at least some porn star skills. She doesn’t have talent… not even in porn :D


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