Kirsten Dunst Sexy (19 Photos)

Kirsten Dunst arrives at the 70th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards held at the Microsoft Theater, 09/17/2018. The 36-year-old actress and husband Jesse Plemons appeared at the event after the birth of their first child.


36 thoughts on “Kirsten Dunst Sexy (19 Photos)

    1. James Fucking May

      Nice, but she would look better tied naked over a pallet of ‘Del-Monte Pineapple Chunks’. Tell me a lady who doesn’t. I think a ‘Classic Clarkson Horse Stance’ would be needed.

      PS. I think ‘Mr Blobby’ might be wearing ‘DEAD BURT REYNOLDS’ Moustache.

      1. Rusl

        Чувак, ты идиот? Она родила почти 5 месяцев назад.
        Если при родах набирают 15кг, то после родов вполне себе 5кг лишних можно сбросить за пару месяцев.
        У меня сестренка двойню родила тоже в мае. И вес свой вернула уже через месяц.
        И полно других знакомых, кто рожает и не выглядит, как доярка из села.
        Кирстен надо похудеть. И не на 35 фунтов, как написал чувак выше.
        А на 25 кг.
        У нее вес кг 80. А нормальный для нее 50-55кг.
        Вот и считай, если математику еще не забыл.

        1. James Fucking May

          Приветствие Vladamir, я люблю ваш сексуальный лысый голова. Любовь к промахам. Дас ваданя. Любовь и поцелуи Джеймс м!

          1. James Fucking May

            Оскорбление не мать России вы капиталистического гомосексуалиста.

        2. Alexandr

          Ничоси. Какой-то педрила даже тебе через гуглопереводчик отвечает. Хахаха. Кирстен классная. Округлилась. Ну и чо. Не свинота же. Вполне себе ебабельная бабца! 36 лет. Боже мой, куда летит время.

  1. wawawee

    It’s funny women will say they dress sexy for each other. But the second their boobs swell up they can’t wait to show them off. Which are essentially sexualized by men..

  2. Spankmaster

    Always loved this woman, now even more so with those fuck me severely milkers of hers. Grrrrr. Yes, stand back please, we have lift off…

      1. Spankmaster

        Don’t worry James, I’m ambidextrous enough to use one hand for the squeeze together fucking for my dick in those tits, while my other hand will make her squirm with my special friend. I will, however, need someone to light my magic wand for the pyrolatry show, as my skills thus haven’t achieved that level of sophistication. I am only human, despite what some people on this website have called me…

        1. James Fucking May

          Hey Spankster. You are wise not to attempt ‘lighting your own fire’. JC did try out his patented ‘anus smoker’ igniter. Unwise Spankster, it singed all the hairs off his anus, and has obviously ended his career as a celebrity ‘stunt anus’.

  3. Richard fucking Hammond

    She married that fat squinty ginger with the moustache? Wow! she’s no oil painting but he looks like Matt Damon’s fat ginger cousin with downs!

  4. Lobo

    I notice her big boobs, but I can’t really fap to her since someone point out to me that she looks like Billy Corgan with a wig and a pair of boobs

    At least she got rid of her fangs…


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