32 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Sexy (38 Photos + Video)

  1. JrSalami

    Enough of these GALA pictures…how are these frappening material.?? It will take 5-10 minutes to rip off all the layers of clothing these hoes are wearing..

  2. Frosty

    She looks like she’s still fighting her illness. Certain medications and being inactive from recuperating can make a person puffy and put on weight. I respect the hell out of her for being able to keep on going with everything she has to deal with.

  3. dawsimyah

    Definitely pregnant. Look at the slight stomach bulge as well as the extra weight around her face. Plus she looks horrible. Definitely a few months along.

  4. Severin

    I hope that she doesn’t dial down the sexuality now that Justin fucking Bieber has turned her into a Jesus freak.

  5. barry berry

    Selena was “cute” when she was 17-18-19. A LOT of girls are “cute” when they are 17-18-19 {and then you see them in the grocery store at 23 and say, “what happened to her?”} Selena was never even in the realm of “beautiful.” That was a figment of people’s imaginations. We tend to “fall in love” with “child stars” and we tend to “hold on to that love” even long after the child star is 25 years old and kind of “dowdy.” We still see them as 18 an cute even though THAT was a long time ago. We tend to “retain” {in our mind} that picture of them even though that “picture” is not reality anymore. {Think Britney Spears or Demi Lovato or yes Selena Gomez.} Selena Gomes is a fairly attractive young woman. She is NOT a young Cindy Crawford. Never was and never will be. An illusion. {She’d tell you that. Selena would agree with what I just wrote. She’s talked about it.}

  6. asdasdas

    tell her to sweep the patio and clean out the trash cans as well before she goes


  7. BlahBlahBlah

    Yeah, she’s definitely still getting over her sickness. Probably on steroids, which would explain the bloating.

  8. Manny

    Its a shame cuz shes such a pretty girl but her stylists n makeup team really fuked up on that night lol. Everything that could go wrong did. Her tits r sagging. Her hair looks bad. The dress is ugly. The makeup is off


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