Alexandra Smelova Nude (51 Photos + Gifs & Videos)

Check out this nude photo and video/gif collection of Russian freelance model Alexandra Smelova (2017-2018).

Nude photos with Alexandra Smelova (19) is always great. A collection with her is amazing because it is never enough of this beautiful Russian babe. In the first part this young hottie takes off a sexy bodysuit in a studio and shows her dirty body on a chair being almost naked. Then she demonstrates her gorgeous natural beauty inside another studio. She poses completely naked and topless is showing off her tits, feet and butt. Alex enjoys to flaunt her shaved pussy almost every photo shoot. See the rest of the photos and gifs below!


by Alex Izumov

by Sergej Tomashevic

by Georgy Chernyadyev

by Galina Zhizhikina

by Konsuello

by Dmitry Lobanov

by Dmitry Ermokhin

by Alexey Trifonov

by Nikolay Khvatov

Alexandra Smelova Instagram Video

#nude #video #portfolio #backstage #girl #SmelovaAlex #light #studio #moscow

A post shared by Alexsandra Smelova (@smelovaalex) on

9 thoughts on “Alexandra Smelova Nude (51 Photos + Gifs & Videos)

  1. mix


    Admins – next time you want to upload a “champagne bottle” look at this and DON’T!
    — when the legs are thicker than the waist it’s a champagne bottle!!!

    1. Vulture

      For fuck’s sake, there always has to be one you, huh? GO MEET ACTUAL WOMEN! If you did that at all, you would realize that lots of women have arm hair, it’s not a big deal. There’s a word for people who only like to fuck people who are completely hairless, you know. You’re one of those, aren’t you? Better hope the Feds never come to your mom’s basement for that cheese pizza party.

    2. DOS

      I reckon that hint of armpit hair is pretty alluring, myself. I’d love to bury my face in it, amongst other places.
      She’s gorgeous.

  2. She's been lou'd

    Got this one Lou: that name is so fitting cuz I’d like to smell all over that. That aroma must be so intoxicating that I’ll have to double down on medication to keep the palpitations from bursting through my chest. Can’t help the bursting through my pants however.


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