25 thoughts on “Chanel Postrel Sexy (30 Photos)

  1. Harry Boughner

    Umm…guys…look at the 7th picture from the top. Is that what I think it is? Because I don’t think I’ve seen a FUPA (Fat Upper Pussy Area) that was THAT “bulgy.” I guess what I’m TRYING to say here is…TRANNY! ANOTHER TRANNY! This one is actually a good one…ALMOST looks like a REAL female. But, can’t fool me!

    1. Endgame

      LMFAO.. You’re too much. Can’t fool you Hahaha,, She has a pad on so the panties don’t ride up her crack.
      Not in my lifetime have seen a guy with a thigh gap like that.

      1. Sisko

        When I tuck my balls away, i have a bigger thigh gap than any female. How the fuck do people nothave a gap? Are their legs like balloons?

    2. AJ

      I’m with you my brotha. Only a boner connoisseur who has polished many a knob would be able to pick that out of this photo shoot. Well done you meat master. Those of us that live for the hairy boners must stick together….literally.

    3. ^what a fagget^

      1 thatā€™s no ā€œFupaā€ that IS her pussy you ignorant bitch. You donā€™t know shit about anatomy. You must spend all your time sucking dick. Just an fyi your blow up doll doesnā€™t count as a ā€œfemaleā€ either.

    4. Brujah

      Let’s assume you’re right (you aren’t), she would be the most god damned beautiful tranny to ever exist and the rest of her looking like that a dick wouldn’t be a deal breaker

      1. Harry Boughner

        Man! Look at all the people this tranny has FOOLED! LOL!
        That’s NOT her pussy nor pad; nor some type of clothing option. That’s “her” tucking “her” dick between her legs. I haven’t seen a tuck that bad since Finkle and Einhorn.

  2. aaron

    she’s a woman u are just saying that cause u are fags and u got nothing good to say about women u guys are nothing more than douchebag tool faggets

  3. Sisko

    Wow you guys are overrating her. She kind of looks like a rodent. Anoying facial expressions like she thinks shes sexier than she is.


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