Nicki Minaj Areola Peak (3 Photos)

New photos of Nicki Minaj on stage. Small areola peak. Nicki Minaj is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and actress. Age 32.



Nicki-Minaj-Areola-Peak-2 Nicki-Minaj-Areola-Peak-3


10 thoughts on “Nicki Minaj Areola Peak (3 Photos)

  1. Carlos T. Jackal

    I realize you need to post new stuff, but please – no more of this creature. She frightens my plants.

  2. That one guy

    If you fags don’t want to see Nicki, then don’t click on her posts. You do have the power to NOT look at them. But being that you even went as far as to comment shows you really wanted to see her anyways.
    Nicki is sexy as hell!

    1. shut your mouth

      always some guy with the “if you don’t like it don’t click on it” bull shit. SHUT THE FUCK UP. This thing is disgusting and manufactured in a laboratory in Harlem somewhere. It should NOT be celebrated.


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