Kim Kardashian (5 Sexy Photos)

Here are new photos of Kim Kardashian from a photoshoot for Vogue Mexico (October 2017). Kim Kardashian West is an American model, actress, socialite, entrepreneur, reality tv star. Age: 36 years old.


9 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian (5 Sexy Photos)

    1. MoreFIYAhInYourMuddasPissHole

      Why even come here? Dumbass lol. Your going to be the example for like minded negative ass simpletons.. Nobody cares what you have to say.. Cause we click it see the whats good with a purpose, where as you waste time on such dumb things haha smh.. and i bet do so often add that up to your age and IF you can…. consider yourself.. worthless, a waste. As in you were a mistake. De evolution of man haha.

      FAP EASY everyone else who is not like them ^

  1. LOL

    She looks good as usual. Shout out to the queers who make a beeline to her posts to talk shit lol. Breaks over fags, get back to doing hair.


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