13 thoughts on “Rihanna Sexy (32 Photos + Video)

  1. Thor

    I comment 4 posterity. Luckily Besson captured her recently in her latest throes of youthful beauty. Plus she played herself, an et of many beautiful forms, but just a Bubble in the end.

    A Birka and Black might suit her well as she expands to fill her master role as ambassador of the Mohammedans to everyone else, or vice versa.

    1. Thor

      What all that means is R may go big when married to the successful car dealer in the beautiful summer sun, an oasis in the desert, or some such rotisserie.

      It is a role that requires IQ and street smarts, and I think Miss Fenty has a degree of at least 1.5.
      So she would be the perfect person to summon spirits of life for the world to counter those fading deadly strains that lead down old Dantes cave, with many exits and protuberances.

      I fancy we here to be studious artists of the feminine form. The homophobe jokes are beneath us. And the anal jokes, etc. Lowest form of comedy. There are comedians here, but it is EASY, and I can undestand, why we must disagree and bicker. Il est en vogue, mssrs. The crapper, a decent human I believed, and later found true, obviously has access to the kind of photos we like.
      Starlets of one sort or another in repose, or advertised, or surreptitiously gathered.

      The final set — unauthourised — are unseemly without consent. I would advise obtaining permission before printing. It is also rude. Sorry, just reality under law.

      But as for the others, this site ought to be KING.

      And we can make it so by pithy commentary that, always first, soars for the highest virtue to be obtained from equisite positive photos posted by C-Man.

      Yes, the objections, Bella and Maitland and frankly all of the other roughly 200 stable of vixens we review. Oh, it is all a fraud, we are in a matrix of dopamine, never to escape. Or perhaps the deeper breathing gives is pause to feel nature’s heart. Breath connects us to everything, the mind charges incessant rent.

      In the end, de gustibus non est distbutandem. “Of taste, there can be no dispute.” To one his own, live and let live. Someone perhaps saw something beautiful in the models who gladly pose for us

      Let us rise to the occasion. I think old Dale Cernegie was right about a lot of things, and one of them was, bluntly, if you can’t say something positive, don’t say anything at all.

      Draconian, but more useful is this: before I say anything, I see at least one thing positive about the situation, then see its response, then mine then find the big picture, preferably within atmospheric pressure. Of course, silver linings.

      So to the tough ones, I open my aura to the cosmos and send out greetings. Oh, I meant the thoughtful ones. But you too, graffiti artists. I suppose I am 1 2.

      C-Man has created a great page. Honour him.

  2. Doug

    Hail glorious Thor for formulating scripture for an Epistle for the Bible of The Fappening under the guidance of the exalted discipleship of Crapper

    1. Thor

      That sounds like the right attitude. Alas, it is far easier to be a critic than a trumpeteer, n’est pas? But it really is an art form to find beauty in a beached or standing whale. Yet they are nude, creatures from heaven for our delight, or bemusement. Thanks bro.


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