Model Ashley Tervort is in a white lace bra, flaunting her massive boobs in the selfie pics below.
Model Ashley Tervort is in a white lace bra, flaunting her massive boobs in the selfie pics below.
If you like deformities…
The size of these big fucking tits would be worthy of the size of my magnificent cock.
But only if such tits were less saggy and attached to a much much hotter and more beautiful babe.
Girl, you KNOW it’s true.
And what size is your magnificent cock? We could compare and then sword fight for fun?
Hideous freak who needs a breast reduction.
She’s pretty, she’s otherwise petite, she’s not a midget – 11/10 Do Want!
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) [1]
Huge titted retard who will NEVER get fully nude as long as castrated simps gush over what little teasing they get.
Wait so it’s her fault she makes money by not getting makes? Hahahahaha you’re a fucking idiot.
Well…she’ll never drown. So she’s got that going for her.
Haven’t seen that beautiful girl and her luscious breasts for quite some time now.
She’s retired. Got married. Got a breast reduction surgery. These are old photos.