Model Mia Winward (19) is pictured in a new lingerie photoshoot. Mia is the daughter of actress Sammy Winward, who’s famous for playin’ Katie Sugden in the ITV soap opera “Emmerdale”.
Word is, Sammy cut off her teenage daughter after she started an OnlyFans account.

It would please me to lick her armpits (sans deodorant of course) and fuck her in the ass.
Honey, you better start showing more and doing more than the same 5 poses over and over.
Beautiful blue eyes!
I love her pictures and Eye Candy… Fap Fap Fap
Just like her mum- gorgeous but no tits to speak of
Supposedly earning “up to £30k a month” from OF. Yeah right, and I’m the future King of England.
118 pics of the same 4 or 5 poses might be called spam…
Her mum had no tits, but she was slim and pretty. This girl is a less cute look-a-like.
Is this a paid ad? Doesn’t add anything to anyone
100 pics that look the same. No tits and her ass ain’t anything special, why would anyone pay for this?
Can someone please tell this chubby dwarf to go find another job? Like go work at McDonalds.