22 thoughts on “Scarlett Johansson Nude – Ghost in the Shell (2017) HD 1080p

  1. Unprecedented ScuffledHyena

    Dear Admin dude,

    Why do you have to make stupid posts every once in a while?

    Average visitor

  2. droopey


    she has never been nude in the movie… always wearing a green suit for CGI… watch the making of

  3. Jim


    She was wearing a skin tight bodysuit, that was then replaced with a cgi body. This is like saying Ryan Reynolds was nude in Green Lantern.

  4. UNoImRite

    I think that’s a body suit. not CGI as CM Geek said. If you go & watch ‘Under the Skin’ you can see her actually nude.
    I’m more bothered by the fact that this was posted as 1080p when it’s clearly 720p.

    1. UNoImRite

      OK, I was wrong (despite my posting name).
      It’s CGI.

      I still recommend watching ‘Under the Skin’ to see her pre-pregnancy naked body.
      Not the greatest movie, but that’s why there’s a fast forward (and a pause) button.

  5. jimmy

    This is pretty lame because the character she plays canonically has nipples. I could half understand if the actress didn’t want to be nude on screen, but she has already been fully nude on screen before.

    I also heard the movie was shit.

  6. joe

    Really, if she had actually been nude like she should have been then the movie wouldn’t have bombed. Instead they did this BS to try to keep a PG-13 rating so no one gave a shit. If she had been nude I guarantee myself and every man in the world old enough to buy a ticket would have gone to see it multiple times.

  7. Don Johnson

    I just cgi’ed myself masterbating!! Wasn’t my penis. I made it way bigger with eye balls!! SWEET!!


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