24 thoughts on “Melania Trump Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. iluvhsw

    There are hotter looking trannies than her. Hopefully she will have the sense to leave that career criminal she is married to.

      1. Chester

        They indicted him because he did his best to usurp and overturn a fair election that he admitted to his cronies was fair on numerous occasions BUT he’s smart enough to know Troglodytes like you are so lazy and retarded that you’ll believe him when he says it was rigged.

  2. CreepyJoeBiden@whitehouse.gov

    She was hot when she was younger, much younger.
    I told Jeffrey to find a similar girl for me, but every time I flew down, the fresh ones never satisfied me. Jim Carrey was in there like a butcher’s dog, he took three of four at a time into the Jungle Room and we didn’t see him until the next day.
    Dirty fucker!
    You’ve never tasted it so sweet, as getting young and unspoiled.
    KAMALA!!! What have I told you about letting Hunter use my personal cocaine? That’s purely for medicinal use. By the way, tell your “doctor”, I need another “prescription”. You negros are so good at that side of medicine.
    Remember, vote Democrat!

    1. Chester

      If you going to try an write something sarcastic you’re going to have to do a lot better than that nummy. Not the least bit interesting or provocative. You need to bone up on your pithy remarks and your witty repartee.

  3. yourmomisworthfivecents

    Well this is like the perfect woman for this useless human named shit-Trump. I really hope he goes to jail but he won’t, they always find a way out. It always amazes me that a guy so fucking dumb, an absolute idiot could be so successful. Just goes to show we love to make the dumb people relevant. One can only hope he dies soon, dies really soon. Tired of listening to him tired of seeing him and really hope he fucking chokes on a donkey cock.

      1. Hanzo the Razor

        Unsurprising that you would like some libtard homo talking about donkey cock.

        Fucking faggot.

        Go suck Dylan Mulvaney’s cock while he pours Bud Light all over your fevered gaping anus, woke democrat soyboi.

        1. yourmomisworthfivecents

          Sorry didn’t realize you had Trump’s dildo up your ass while you’re licking your mom’s butthole. Please go die somewhere make this world a better place.

  4. Yeesh

    No wonder you’d go around grabbing pussy and paying porn stars with that waiting for you at your stolen classified docs library

  5. GrimProductions

    The soybois are fucking triggered in here. They believe all the crap about Trump while they jerk off to Hunter Bidens leaked photos hoping the big guy would come sniff them up and down.

  6. Johnny

    The best 1st Lady of the BEST USA President ever!
    Someone remember that creep,ugly,ignorant monkey Michelle Obama…?


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