Check out Stormy Daniels’ nude and sexy photos from events and her best porn shoot.
Check out Stormy Daniels’ nude and sexy photos from events and her best porn shoot.
In the top 3 of the “Ugliest tits in porn”.
Trump can’t pick good looking pornstars to fuck around on his wife with any better than he can tell the truth.
And who have you fucked lately, other than a cantaloupe?
Other than your slow sister?
High five Orange Man!
DJT is such a boss
I PAID $130,000 to fuck this, FUCK am I an idiot.
This is a walking bottle of STD people. Sure thing
yeah, i would be stormy daniels, i would check for STDs after breathing near trump too.
I don’t see any STDs. I’m sure Prez DJT wore protection
He can Voice he fucked Karen McDougal. She was a hot kindergarten teacher when she did Playboy. He just didn’t have standards like so many men. I don’t care how hot she is don’t fuck a porn star. If your friends find out any good friend will roast you (rightfully so).
She pissed in Trumps mouth. He swallows.
Far too old, I told Donald on many occasions to stick to the younger more controllable whores. But he never listened, just another example of his poor judgement and why he’s not as good a President as what I am.
I have never had any blowback (lol!) on my “dalliances” down on Jeffrey’s island. Mainly because he “dealt” with any problems very promptly, discretely and permanently. Jim Carrey saved so much money from these girl’s extortion attempts, thanks to Jeffrey. God, how I miss him.
Kamala tries her best, but she’s only a slow negro, so can’t match up to Jeffrey and his devious Jew mind. She is good at getting Hunter his “medicine”, she has many contacts in “da Hood” as I believe the coloreds call it.
Remember, vote Democrat or Donald and his old whores will be back. Especially the negros, vote or I’ll cut your social security payments.