17 thoughts on “Neelam Gill Hot (5 Pics + Video)

  1. Severin

    Not sure who this bitch is and I can’t see shit in the videos.

    So is the Jennifer Lawrence nudity in her new comedy real or CGI? As impressive as it would be on her part I just can’t see her getting actually naked for a comedy. If it’s CG or Law’s head on a body double that sickens me. The more often shit like that is done, the more chance of it becoming common in US film and television, where prudishness among actresses is still common. Lily-Rose Depp, being French, puts all of those cowardly bitches to shame.


    1. Spankmaster

      If you cant see the whore, then your question isnt ‘who’ but ‘where’.


      1. Spankmaster

        Ah yes, the fraudulent fuckfaced fag who pretends to be me, but who is frequently in competition with Chester in sucking off homeless guys for cigarettes. Well, when you are shit like that, then you deserve to be residing the gutter, with your head up your arse and still have enough energy to jerk guys off by hand simply because you feel it gives your life meaning. That being said, just fuck off and die…

          1. Spankmaster

            Look, you basement dwelling fraudulent fuckfaced fag, just go back to licking out clean your mother’s used colostomy bag and then hopefully you will finally equate to the old saying, you are what you eat. There you are, reality check, free of charge…

    2. WakandanNegro

      This bitch is a migrant from Punjab that is why her surname is Gill. Most punjabi girls are whore in western countries like Canada, USA, UK, Australia.


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