Here’re new sexy and topless covered photos of Kara Del Toro by Jared Thomas Kocka (April 2017). Kara Del Toro is a model & actress from Texas (U.S.). Age – 25.
I dispute that she’s topless.
Are you native English speaker? because the word topless means something else in english
Topless means not wearing any clothes on the upper body.
Technically there are 3 topless photos, but she’s covering her tits. Obviously the “topless” headline is clickbait.
I think that a “handbra” still counts as a topless.
Topless Covered *
I know topless means “without top”. But colloquially it means tits out for all to see: so disappointing.
She looks like an uglier Justin Bieber…
Maybe we should change this crap to “teasing” not “topless”.
What does ‘topless covered’ mean?
same dumb look on her face every pic
The dumb look comes from being legally retarded. She is a moron, and I wouldn’t eff her with anyone’s D. I hope she never reproduces.
Looks like spic version of Estella Warren