Check out Charlie Spradling’s nude and sexy photos and screencaps with nude, hot and sex scenes from “Meridian”, “Johnny Skidmarks”, “Puppet Master II”, “Ski School”, “Wild at Heart” and “Twice Dead”.
Charlie Spradling (born September 27, 1968) is an American actress. She is also known for “NYPD Blue” and “Viper”.
When she aged-out of being a “hot actress” back in 2002,
she got divorced and started delivering food for her catering business.
It takes more to make it, in Hollywood, than just having a pair of bolt-ons.
…he said after downing Mountain Dew Red in his mom’s basement
So hot & totally forgotten, amazing rack in David Lynch’s Wild at Heart – wished you’d snuck in her shower scene in Mirror Mirror too
So hot in Ski School