Hey Pervs! Read this, trust me.
ThePornGuide.xxx is one of the most comprehensive lists of porn on the internet to date. Itâs a professionally run website will real employees whose sole purpose in life is to scour the internet for popular as well as lesser-known adult websites, with the result being a manually curated, well-categorized smorgasbord of porn with real and honest reviews of every site listed.
How do we know that the reviews are honest? Well, they seem to talk a lot of shit, which would infer that theyâre not a paid shill saying nice things for the highest bidder. Truly, a porn list with integrity! Weâve encountered sites listed there that had legitimately negative reviews, so we know the list isnât simply some shill âyes manâ site promoting others to make money.
Quality and integrity reviews are what youâll find here. Who’d thunk it, porn + integrity isnât a common equation..
They list a variety of super well-known premium websites such as Brazzers, Reality Kings, Cum4k, and thousands more. We canât list them all here, because there are just too many. Youâll have to visit the site for free to view the full listings.
Aside from top premium porno sites, they list a variety of free porn tube sites for those seeking a quick and happy fap without having to spend a dime. Some very notable sites listed in their free tubes section are Fapster, Shooshtime, DrTuber, and again, thousands more. Seriously though, why buy the cow when the milk is free? A simple and quick fap session, youâre done and your wallet is none the wiser!
You might also wander off into their live sex cams section which contains in-depth reviews of large cam sites such as Jerkmate, BongaCams, Chaturbate, and many many more. We canât emphasize enough how great it is that ThePornGuide truly is an honest review site picking apart the pros and cons of each platform, and giving you guidance on how to navigate and get the best fap for your buck on an otherwise potentially confusing platform. New things can be scary, ThePornGuide takes the sting out of wading through complex sex cam platforms for those less tech-savvy folk who simply want to crank a quick load out to some live babes.
Other than the popular categories mentioned above, thereâs a lot of little subsections on the site that we find pretty interesting. They have a whole list of Porn Comic sites if youâre into manga/hentai-style pornography. Thereâs a category dedicated to sites that provide sexual images only, pictures are worth a thousand words, how many faps does that equal though? Thereâs a gay porn section, a porn games section, a VR porno section, and a lot of other interesting sections for you to browse through and fulfill those intense carnal desires throbbing in your loins.
To date, there are hundreds of quality adult sites listed and reviewed on ThePornGuide which is ever-expanding each and every day that passes by. So, mix things up a bit. Donât be one of those people who orders the same thing, at the same restaurant every Sunday. Itâs too predictable and variety is the spice of life my friend. Diversify your pornographic proclivities by visiting and bookmarking the best porn list on the internet, ThePornGuide.XxX!