17 thoughts on “Britney Spears Sexy (8 Photos)

    1. klawicki

      Possibly you. Re-read what you wrote. Perhaps learn ratios and try that sentence again, maybe reversing the order of of what would be the numerator and the denominator. Because lowest net worth to intelligence would mean a REALLY smart person with no money.

      unless you are suggesting that they are SUPER smart.

      1. Chester

        lowest net worth of those THREE {high net worth} people…………dummy. Context klawicki. Context. I’m a good local yokel golfer. Does that mean I can beat Tiger Woods? Of course not. Everything in CONTEXT.

  1. Spankmaster

    Just about any ghetto based street corner in America would have this same type of woman plying her wares for about $20 and you don’t even have to listen to her sing or speak. Makes you wonder about famousness causing people to think otherwise about anyone like this being hot or even worthwhile…

    1. Dr Dick

      Spankmaster. No doubt you were aroused by the animal print ‘costume but not by the lack of body hair. The local dogs need a Spankmaster break. #Dogs get sore asshole too

      1. Spankmaster

        Doc, give them your arsehole, as it has been so abused, it has formed its own website as to who wants to like up to fuck it over. Remember, the donkey still needs to teach you many lessons, so make sure you get the heehawing rhythm down pat…


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