24 thoughts on “Camila Cabello Goes On a Hike in LA (102 Photos)

  1. Carlos T. Jackal

    She’s in a new “Cinderella” movie. Half the budget went to CGI to disguise her massive ass.
    She has a cute face, but below the neck she’s a disaster.

  2. wawa

    Looks like a mid 30s woman that just had a kid. Then you get shook to realize she’s just 24 and childless. She’s already peaked and then smashed into the undefeated wall. YIKES.

  3. Severin

    Hikes alone aren’t going to save her from getting fat. Diet matters. Her fat ASS is wonderful, but she’s going too far with the rest of her body.

  4. JrSalami

    God damn…she’s all fucked up…she’s built like an ice cream cone(upside down)…

    She looks like a 45 yr old italian women from Bayonne, NJ mother of 3-4 ….with no tits fake ass(I know her ass is not fake but it looks it) for what a fake ass she hates the nagger, and always looks like she just woke up and ran out the door…

  5. Donald Trump is a flaming traitor and going to prison

    Maybe if you held her upside down the belly flab would go into her tits.

  6. wally

    It’s hereditary. Look at her mother. To look the way you’d like to see her look she’d have to work out 3 hours a day and eat 1 yogurt for lunch and two crackers with a piece of cheese for dinner. That body of hers is the “family” body. This girl is short. She’s big boned. If she eats a cheeseburger she probably puts on 3 lbs because she has a slow metabolism. You see the housewives who come to the Gym and they work out on the exercise bike or the treadmill and they work, and work, and work and they lose 40 lbs and they look great. You say, “wow. She’s really pretty. Can’t believe how good she looks” and then you see them in the grocery store 8 months later and they’ve gained all the weight back and you say, “wow. She looked so good. How could she let this happen?”……..How? Because the bigger body is her REAL body. That is her natural body. If your natural body is to weigh 160 lbs and you get down to 130 lbs at some point {90% of the time} you’re going back to that “natural” body. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

  7. Len

    Her and her former group all got fat…and none of them are even old enough to rent a car. Gen Z needs to lay off the soy and high fructose corn syrup

  8. pdog_01

    Pretty obvious now how much Photoshopping went into all those promotional magazine spreads she’s been in over time. Not even remotely attractive.


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