Naked Marisa Papen and natives photographed by Jesse Walker for “Surma and Me” African series (2017). This fearless girl met an unusual culture.

Thanks to Jefferson for the info!
Naked Marisa Papen and natives photographed by Jesse Walker for “Surma and Me” African series (2017). This fearless girl met an unusual culture.
Thanks to Jefferson for the info!
Now she has HIV
After sticking an assegai up the photographer’s ass, Marisa suffered death by bunji-bunji!
No! Not with naked golliwogs. I aint fapping to that!
That’s a stupid photo shoot an the black dude has a tiny dick also know as a Tbc. Funny how all black guys wanna try an claim they got big dicks. No one believes you.
LMAO Why are you so obsessed with black penis tho, insecure little man?
cultural appropriation
Oh my!!!!!
That guy’s cock is huge!
What I wouldnt give to drink the man chowder straight from that pipe. I bet it would give me Wakandan powers!
only 6% of the black population in America have penises that have a 1.5 inch width and reach up to 7 inches or above . It’s largely a myth that every black person is well in doubt.
well endowed
Good looks
Keep telling yourself that, Tiny Tim. Also helps if you click your heels three times while saying it.
Wow, I see someone is insecure or is obsessed with penises or both.
Reminiscent of the Pamela Bellwood Playboy spread from thirty years ago.
Small black dick’s awesome.
and now she has AIDS…
Obama did nude modeling before becoming prez?
I see a lot of micro cock cracker boy tears in the comments section.
Look at all these losers with their hate comments. You guys are laughable.
oh this is revealing. a lot of insecure white trash frequents this website
KKK members with penis envy are everywhere
LOL at least theyre busy typing bullshit on the internet from mommy’s basement while their sisters and mothers are taking black cock.
I used to look at photos like these in print magazine: National Geographic (before it became a TV channel).
Fuck u hunkyfunky white garbage,that wanna always show shit about Africa,tribes like this is a myth,typical golddigging whore
Thats how you get botfly .
What a rac!st, cultural appropriating, kunt. Not just sportin’ black-face, but full black-body. RAC!ST KUNT!!!
Why is everyone on this site so angry?
Well, it seems like size doesn’t matter to her.
God I just want to fuck her so badly…out in the wilderness where all the natives can see.
God I just want to fuck her so badly…out in the wilderness where all the natives can see.
What gets me is that he shaved his dick, but she only did her head. I think she needs to redefine her terms of free and easy…