Kendall Jenner Sexy & Topless (5 Photos)

Here are some sexy and topless (covered) photos of Kendall Jenner by Mert Alas (2015). Kardashian’s time! Kendall Jenner is an American TV personality and model. Born – November 3, 1995. Height 178 cm.




10 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Sexy & Topless (5 Photos)

  1. Anon Y Mous

    In the first pic, I don’t think the position of her arm would completely cover her left areola. It must have been photo shopped out.

  2. Shazbot

    Oh, yay, another Kartrashian. The sad part is, they are spawning. My poor grandkids will be subjected to them their whole lives, like we’ve been with Kennedy’s …

    1. Carlos T. Jackal

      Yeah, but unlike these parasites, the Kennedys actually did some good for America. JFK got us thru the Cuban Missile Crisis and launched the space program; RFK took on the mafia as Attorney General, and Teddy taught us about drunk driving.

      1. Shazbot

        JFK was so riddled with STDs and drugs he couldn’t think straight. That’s why we got INTO the missile crisis. Not to mention Vietnam. Most overrated president ever. And his family have been milking it ever since.

        Oh, by the way: Chappaquiddick.

        1. trump isanidiot

          Most ridiculous comment I’ve ever read. We’d been in Vietnam for years. Long before Kennedy. The French were in there before that. We got into the Cuban Missile Crisis because the Soviets put Nuclear Missiles there 90 miles from Florida. Read a little history and never let your personal feelings substitute for truth. Grow up.

  3. peter dobson

    Yeah, but at least the Kennedy’s were so desent that they had themselves killed. Like JFK, Robbie, Ted and so on. But I do not see anyone willing to shoot those overrated WHALES named Kardashian/jenner.

  4. Juste Un Trou d'Eau

    “We’d been in Vietnam for years” .
    Yes but it’s Kennedy who decided to send over 15000 american soldiers.
    Know your History Democratard. JFK was just a drugged up sex addict who financed his campaigne thanks to the mob and got elected only because he and his wife were young and looked good.


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