Kendall Jenner Selfie (1 Photo)

Here is a new sexy selfie photo of Kendall Jenner – Instagram, 11/29/2017. Kendall Jenner is an American model, television & online star, actress (Ocean’s Eight).  Age – 22.



12 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Selfie (1 Photo)

  1. Andrew

    This waste of time website its such a hose for youngers, who actually could try to spend them time trying to do something better than jumping here. And by a few adds publicity brought me here, but definitely I gotta leave this website, you still have time too if you thinking of make a change from child to a man, you gonna understand this one day!

  2. VV

    Is that a mirror you see at the fair, the ones that make you look skinny up top and wide as a hippo on the bottom? Either that or she is deformed because her body looks like a pear.

  3. nacho

    & look how big that hip/crotch portion of the body is. Good god that looks like deformation, the human animal really is freakish

  4. YouKnowImRight

    Are you dudes gay? I’d wax that in a minute. You guys either like wangs or have no idea how to get a girl so you just hate on them online

  5. ThatOtherGuy95

    Must be those funny mirrors where your lower body is bigger than your head or upper body. I’d still hit that.


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