Charming actress Kate Beckinsale took part in a new photo shoot for DuJour magazine Spring 2019 Issue. This woman is known for her romantic and fighting roles in the movies. In this photoshoot,
Kate looks graceful and sentimental. Beckinsale was dressed in beautiful evening dresses, and alluring sexy lingerie. Look at Kate’s body! She’s 45 years old woman, but her long legs are still lovable, and her ass is still tight and coveted.
She’s on the list of new “leaked” fappening pix – So where are they?
Long legs? Those are called heels, dumbass.
I would hit that harder than a doomsday asteroid.
You don’t hit doomsday asteroids hard. Otherwise, they become a bunch of smaller doomsday asteroids. You nudge them off their trajectory.
Sideshow Boob has proved, hundreds of time on this site, that he is dumb as a bag of birdshit.
I want her to spank and elector shock may ass
Worthless faggot.
Never got it with Kate Beckinsale. She’s attractive. She’s a very attractive women but I don’t think she’s any more attractive than A LOT of other women. They talk about her like she’s the modern version of Marilyn Monroe. Don’t see it. Never saw it.