New hot photos of Jennifer Nicole Lee in Maiami. Ooopppss. Nicole Lee is an American fitness model. Age 40! Great body!

New hot photos of Jennifer Nicole Lee in Maiami. Ooopppss. Nicole Lee is an American fitness model. Age 40! Great body!
hard fake tits are no fun for anyone. They just make you look like a ridiculous tit whore. No REAL athletes have giant fake tits like this. Just Personal trainers and fitness whores. Try jogging or playing soccer with tits like that……
No REAL male poster bitches about women as much as you do. Try hitting on a woman that looks like this (or ANY woman) and see how far you get…
Guys, guys – there’s no need for us to fight amongst ourselves. We’re all here to fap as well as we possibly can, and the second that we turn on each other and start putting each other down, it means we’ve stopped fapping for a second and now we have to refocus all over again to get back to the mental point I was at before. Let’s all be fapfriends here and not resort to insults. Save those for the whores whose tits and pussies you get to see FOR FREE on this site. Live long and fap, everyone.
I hit on and sleep with real women with something in their heads who are able to keep up with a conversation that isn’t about the gym, reality tv, and calorie counting in food. Also, I don’t hit on 40 year old moms with ridiculous fake tits….at least not for a few more years. Now kindly STFU and move on dick wad.
I totally agree! Fake tits make everything worse. A total waste of potential beauty.
really??? do u read what u post before hitting ‘send’?…a ‘tit whore?’ and who said anything about an athlete?…she’s a fitness model. and jogging and playing soccer w/ tits…r u speaking from experience? do u have giant ‘manboobs’…maybe that’s why ur so angry w/ women…ur jealous, u want to have those boobs instead of ur flabby manboobs. yes some of these women show off their bodies for money, but everyone’s got to do what we need to do to get by and they don’t need a sideline wannabe commentator to put them down. how would u feel if your working for ur money and people are constantly criticizing u: “hey, don’t u know how to suck dick? u call that a blow job” ; “how about a reach around while ur sucking on that cock”; “can’t believe that guy’s getting paid to give a blowjob when he looks so hideous”…doesn’t feel good does it?
really??? do u read what u post before hitting ‘send’?…a ‘tit whore?’ and who said anything about an athlete?…she’s a fitness model. and jogging and playing soccer w/ tits…r u speaking from experience? do u have giant ‘manboobs’…maybe that’s why ur so angry w/ women…ur jealous, u want to have those boobs instead of ur flabby manboobs. yes some of these women show off their bodies for money, but everyone’s got to do what we need to do to get by and they don’t need a sideline wannabe commentator to put them down. how would u feel if your working for ur money and people are constantly criticizing u: “hey, don’t u know how to suck dick? u call that a blow job” ; “how about a reach around while ur sucking on that cock”; “can’t believe that guy’s getting paid to give a blowjob when he looks so hideous”…doesn’t feel good does it?
I thought I was done venting on ur stupidity, but…. dude, she’s 40 yrs old and has that body…even if her tits were fake, she’s got a great body. if a woman is ever stupid enough or drunk enough to b ur wife or GF, u should be so lucky if she looks like that at 40, heck u should b so lucky if ur boyfriend could have a body that tight at 40. ok, i’m done responding to ur stupidity…u can go back to sucking on cocks at the corner
dieslow…u should follow ur user name. I really don’t get why ur so uptight and angry at women. u can’t just enjoy seeing a naked woman? if the woman’s not ur type…all u have to do is move on…or go to a naked male site