Frenchy Morgan Hot (21 Photos)

Reality super star Frenchy Morgan and her BFF Paris Hilton lookalike Tiffany arriving in New York City and visiting Trump International Hotel wearing Trump bikini, 09/05/2019.





55 thoughts on “Frenchy Morgan Hot (21 Photos)

  1. Ho Lee Fuk

    She may not be hot but I’ll give her a pass cause she’s got sense enough to support Trump.
    Read what’s on her ass libtards.

    1. Trump is King Snowflake

      “Fuck your feelings”

      Says the same retards who supported the most thin skinned human being on the planet, who throws temper tantrums at 2 AM in the morning on Twitter any time he is criticized lol. Trump is king snowflake you hypocrites.

    2. Trump is whiny little bitch

      Quite possibly the most vile thing ever on this site. Certified fuck-wits support that simpleton. World will be better when he goes the way of Ailes, Epstein, and Koch

  2. Opposite Effect

    This will turn out to be an anti-Trump promotion. Paris Hilton mixed with the genetics of Mr. Six (Six Flags) = Tiffany

      1. alien_visitor

        Whites were created 6,000 years ago in a cave by a black scientist named Yakub on the Aegean Sea on an island called Pelan. The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race, making them a race of liars and murders. Everyone knows this.


  3. Trump has to pay for pussy

    Alright! Trump found another leathery prostitute to piss on him! Hide the payment money better this time, fuckface!

  4. DW

    She’s not hot, but her sentiments are. I may not agree with the paper used for the billboard whatsoever, but the message is 10/10.

  5. Fuck Trump

    Fu k Trump and this fully bitch.
    It’s not about “libtards”, the Oompa Loompa is about to bring another recession.
    Not to mention he is just stupid.

  6. yourmomisworth5cents

    Perfect person to wear moron crybaby Trump’s name. Old, narcissist, nasty, gross, ugly and useless. Look out Melanie!

  7. ShuttheFuckUp

    Yup.. She sums up your average Trump supporter. She might actually be a little more intelligent than most of em though.

  8. Snownep

    Fucking hideous. Too old and ugly with a totally false impression of how they’re perceived as well as being elevated way beyond sensible levels.

    And some old slapper wearing a bikini with his name on it, and wearing ridiculously high heels.

    1. Fuck Trump

      Right, because bailing out American farmers with tax payer funds after destroying their ability to sell crops because of a stupid tariff war isn’t socialism. GTFOH

    2. Trump is a bitch

      Fox News would be proud of you.
      Hey- No need to thank me. I donโ€™t mind my taxes going to help you

  9. Severin

    I admittedly would fuck this airheaded whore (and her bimbo bitch friend), but I doubt that Trump would. She’s too old looking for him.


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