Do you care if you see the nips?


Well-Known Member
Cecerose, Demi Rose, Ashley Tervort and Sophie Mudd have never shown what many would consider full frontal topless. In Ashley's case there was an occasional nip, bit at an obscure angle etc.

I dunno if I'm just getting boring, but now, if one of the above showed nearly all of their naked boob, bar their nipples, then I've seen them topless.

Especially as we're never going to see new Ashley content.

What about the rest of you? Do you "have" to see them "nipples out" for you to be fully satisfied?

There was a time when I was that person. That was back when I was keen for Lucy Pinder to show them in their glory. Now? "Meh" same with those pics Britney posted on Instagram. I don't think I'd like them that much more if she posts an unedited version of them.


Active Member
It's a strange one really. Take Mikayla Demaiter for instance. I would love to see without those damn squiggles, despite the fact that you can see 99%. That said, once the squiggles were removed, I would probably lose interest.