“Geordie Shore” star Faith Sinéad Mullen shows off her bikini body on holiday in Tenerife after hitting back at body trolls. The 19-year-old reality star shows off her size 16 body in a red and white bikini as she poses around the pool.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithgshorex/

god almighty
Oink oink
I bet she hides joints in there
More rolls then greggs
i dont think you know what hot means
Fuckin really crappy? You sick sunumabitch!
The only way this chick would be hot is if you poured gasoline over her head and lit her on fire. Butter face, butter body.
I’ve never seen a woman with a cinderblock for a head…
WHY ???
She has more rolls than a Chinese phone book.
it’s chins not rolls for that joke, if you’re going to old ass insults at least use the correct ones. more rolls than a bakery more chins than a chinese phonebook
Eric Cartman had a sex change.
You wouldn’t even ride that into battle!
I’m not gonna judge someone for how they look…it’s their life so whatever…BUT we all don’t need to see it…people check this site out to see “famous” people in various stages of undress or looking hot…THIS PERSON IS NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS!!!
You just did judge someone on how they looked. Dont mince around it, if you want to be judgemental prick than at least be straight about it.
kys fat fuck
This aint it chief
if she was skinny she probably would be hot… but as is… eww……
She’s only 19? By 25 she’ll be pushing 400lbs. Woof
19 going on 40. No nut here.
These types of posts are great for the comments
something’s escaped from the zoo
An obese 19 year old cutter who looks 39. No thank you.
Hottest woman you’ve posted in weeks.
Her tummy looks sad
This is what happens when you leave an Ariel winter waxwork next to the fire.
Thats why we need the hard brexit!
It’s fine with me if she wants to be fat but she damn well shouldn’t go around looking for attention and demand that people praise her looks and attractiveness. This is what I can’t stand about the fucking left and their body politics.
I usually defend the thick/chubby girls on here, but today…no no no
Looks like 5 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag.
Jabba the Hutt had FEWER rolls than this lardass.
Now she’s a true “Muffin top”. No, more like The “Pillsbury Doughboy”… Instead of putting on a ton of make-up to look cute, she needs to invest in Weight-watchers…
Id rather fuck my hand!
She looks like a Dumpster.
Menudo lechon!
Seriously, dude?!
the tits are worth a grope…
If she were several inches taller than at least the weight would be more evenly distributed and there might be some potential, but right now she just looks dumpy with all that excess weight around her midsection. :s
Her head is literally the Aku Aku mask from Crash Bandicoot and her body is like a melting chocolate bar.
seeing these and that disgusting creature made my face melt like the guy from raiders of the lost ark
worst 19 year old ever
i seriously laughed out loud. first i saw the fat rolls, then i saw “hot” in parenthesis. crapper’s got jokes.
It would take a brave, brave man. Someone willing to sacrifice for his country.
I could do without the caked on makeup, but not too bad other than that.
She has a second on on her stomach
better never go to Japan ,they eat whales