Emily Ratajkowski Topless (2 New Photos)

Here’s a new topless covered photo of Emily Ratajkowski from Instagram, 05/08/2017 + B&W version. Emily Ratajkowski is an American model & actress (Welcome Home (2018)). Age – 25.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/emrata/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emrata

32 thoughts on “Emily Ratajkowski Topless (2 New Photos)

      1. pboi

        well since uv only been w/ ur mother and sister, they’re not the best comparisons. u should take ur head out of ur moms ass once in a while and get out into the world

    1. Sisko

      Remove some letters and you get emily rat kow. But even worse she looks like a centipede (the houshold kind)

      1. pboi

        wow…did u do that all by urself? u must b the smart one in the family…I’m sorry, I get confuse…is ur mom ur actual mom or ur girlfriend…or is ur dad ur girlfriend…u damn incestuous hillbillies…can’t keep up with who’s who in the family

  1. Turlough

    Butterface! Actually, I don’t think for a second she’s a butterface, but some tedious cunt will no doubt come along and say it soon enough, so I thought I’d save them the effort.

    1. gumbosoup

      She’s definitely weird looking. Even more so than usual in these pictures. Definitely not ugly, but there’s something wrong with her lips. Like she’s in a constant state of anaphylaxia. But she does have a great set of tits on such a skinny body, so who really cares that her face is average at best.

        1. Ezeflaun

          Could not have said it better! I would add that the only problem with her boobs is that they are not in my bare hands and her nipples in my mouth!!

  2. Andrew cucina

    What a butterfaced bitch with a flat ass, but some of the nicest titties I’ve ever sprayed a load to!!!!

    1. pboi

      just like u can sell that little thing between ur legs for toothpicks…only it wouldn’t go for much

    1. zippo

      hahahahahahah awww is it bothering you Momma Mia? getting your panties in a wad are ya? and such language, probably an improvement over what you really know…..did you read Hello Moon yet?

    1. pboi

      well I didn’t think it was possible ur mom could of produce such a fucked up, ugly, blind, jackass, but here u are

  3. falafel.tits

    she has the dinosaur look i don’t know if you see that too? just i look at here i remember dinasosaurs she also did a good job on hiding the nips because they are so disappointing

  4. slopstop

    I was fucking my mother and all your mothers and then I saw this post. So I started fucking racist males whilst fisting a pumpkin… still don’t like aliens, or whatever is happening to Ratatoulie’s face….gurgle


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