Busty Angelina Jolie attends The Breadwinner premiere in Los Angeles, 10/20/2017. Angelina Jolie is an American actress (Original Sin (2001)). Age – 42 years old.
Instagram: http://instagram.com/angelinajolieofficial

Busty Angelina Jolie attends The Breadwinner premiere in Los Angeles, 10/20/2017. Angelina Jolie is an American actress (Original Sin (2001)). Age – 42 years old.
Instagram: http://instagram.com/angelinajolieofficial
Do people really find her sexy? Maybe her lips that’s it
She looks like a skeleton. Look at her arms.
Nothing sexy at all anymore. Fake boobs and if she would have been informed she did not have to remove her breasts with a new technology from my country: The Kingdom of the Netherlands. Curing breastcancer without removing breasts at the Medical Cancer Centre in Leiden.
She has the cancer gene not cancer, breasts were removed as a precaution.
I think it’s just an excuse to get a boob job without persecution.
spoooky skeleton
just in time for haloween
She’s not sexy at all.
70% of her face is forehead. Excuse me while I puke.
Given her natural body type and face structure, she was always going to have a hard time aging, but her weight loss is what really makes her look so rough. If she were to put on a solid 30-40 pounds then she’d look a lot better.
I see Angelina is dressed as the mummy for Halloween!
I never really saw this chick as hot. Even when everyone was going “hottest girl in the world” then she slowly started to grow on me during her Tomb Raider years. But now im thinking why and how was she ever considered one of the hottest actresses of all time.. She looks like skeletor with flesh….and a heroin habit.
Madame Tussauds is really slipping in their wo-
Wait, what?
That’s ACTUALLY her!?
I’d rather see pictures of her exes or her brother.
MAN ALERT!!! Angelina Jolie is and always has been a MAN!
Look at the giant tranny skull. Also the sunken eyes and large eyebrow ridge do not belong on a female. “She” has a square jaw which USUALLY belongs on a man. The VERY long arms are also a sign of being a man. “She” also has very large man-hands. “Her” feet also look like they belong on a tranny because they are too big and vieny to be women’s feet.
If a REAL woman displayed ONE, TWO, maybe even THREE of those MALE characteristics…NO PROBLEM! But, it’s when a “woman” starts displaying FOUR, FIVE, SIX or MORE characteristics that it becomes a problem. She has at least a 98% chance of being a MALE!
In a lot of the first pics, she has the exact same stare….trippy.
She looks horrible. This is not her
WOAH this is bad
i failed to find anything remotely sexy
Oh she’s had massive fake tits put in
You know when a celebrity is old when – instead of jerking off to the pictures – you think about your mother and that you should call her again, soon.
Pitt fucked her up
In that last photo, she wore a green dress, but in all the others she wore white. WTF happened there? Did she change her dress or did cgi take over? I’m making a trifling point, but it seems like she went from looking like belonging to a convent to looking like an Xmas decoration. Still looks fuckable, though, even with her looking like she now takes holy orders…
The years have not been kind. The drugs have not been kind. Cancer has not been kind. Gone are the days in which I would not think it twice before fapping to her
I would still come almost immediately if she sucked me off with those thick red lips, though.
I still wanna slam my cock down Angelina Jolie’s throat and balls deep into her pussy and ass. I’d fuck her endlessly!